September 22, 2006
We have been here in Hueyapan De Ocampo, Vera Cruz for nine days now, and there is much to say; I am wondering how I am going to say it.
Firstly, we have much to be thankful for concerning the very practical needs and circumstances of our drive from Ontario and establishing ourselves here. We have experienced some of the clumsiness of life (of mechanical malfunctions, of administrative systems, and ranging emotions) and we have on every occasion experienced resolutions, affirmations, growth and encouragement. For all the stories and the encouragement of our ministry here we give thanks to God!
This is a small community (Hueyapan De Ocampo, population 6000). We drive 35 min to Acayucan (pop 30,000 or so) to the nearest administrative offices for legalizing vehicles, obtaining Mexican driver’s license, etc. Vera Cruz city is a large and modern city and about 3.5 hours away. But all around us here are very small villages, some of which scarcely been touched by the modern world at all. There are tiny little evangelical churches scattered about each with a story to tell; but there are other villages that have either never received or never heard the gospel story of life, hope and salvation through Jesus Christ. My parents are very intentional about their mission of hope reaching out primarily to these neglected communities and people.
This is why we are so greatly encouraged by the welcome he have received from the church here in Hueyapan, and from the surrounding villages, Pastors, and congregations.
The church here has done much in preparing our home before and since we arrived. We have a steady flow of visitors and gifts. Twice we have had a group from Nacaxtle (where we built the church this last January together with a team from Canada) travel to Hueyapan to join us for the evening church service and Dad has preached in their village twice already ( two women and one elderly man there have received Christ as their Savior and Lord last this week.) A Pastor from another village showed up to our home and desires to work together with us. Another village church has invited us to their baptism service next week, and Sunday Dad will be preaching in a small church in Acayucan.
Last week a young man accepted the Lord on our front porch, he cried and cried. One man during a jail visitation also prayed to God for his salvation in Christ.
There are many that are in deep need here and we are working together with the churches to provide lasting fellowship and care for those in each community. Many people come to us seeking help or asking for prayer.
Please pray with us as we learn to manage our time and administrate the ministry that is given to us.
Everyday as we have been able we have worked on settling into this house here –cleaning and renovating. This house doesn’t meet usual Canadian standards by any means but it is surprising how unimportant that really is. People can adapt to anything, and life may even be the richer for certain limitations.
We have been rigging up an indoor water system that is fed by the town’s water system but held in a black tank on the roof (where it is warmed by the sun) and from where gravity influences the water down through the shower head, and faucets (and “soon”… the toilet too).
My mom has been feeling poorly, but is recovering. Dad is preaching almost everyday (and often spontaneously) but God is providing inspiration and energy. Our daily living and relational attitudes have been very positive.
Please continue to pray, and work, and praise God with us.
On Behalf of Henry and Anna,
John Wall
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