Hello all, December 7, 2006
As I sit here in consideration of what and how to communicate it occurs to me that the must important things and deepest experiences, I realize, are more internal than external; and that those experiences are incomplete, in process, still uncertain, being lived.
The experience that we are living is an adventure of faith; for there has been significant progress in our ministry here, but not without the struggle that brings us to our knees and, further, down on our faces. In that way we have persevered a period of deep of uncertainty and darkness (what else could we do!) and we have come through to a brighter working environment than we had hope for, and greater hopes than were capable of before.
We experience simultaneously a deep joy and hope, on the one hand, that inspires praise and action; and a great burden and neediness, on the other hand, that inspires humility, dependence and prayer…
There has been a cold front through Mexico in the last couple of weeks that has been fatal is some regions! The people and houses here are not prepared to deal with the cold. I told someone the other day that it is colder in Mexico than it is in Canada. This is not directly true except in this sense: houses, stores, cars in Canada all have heating systems. It is cold in Canada but we normally don’t need to stay in the cold very long before we have an option of being warm again. Here the concrete houses, or drafty wood slab houses do not offer much, or any, relief. It is not as cold, but it is constant. Families here will lay in one bed under the same blankets for warmth.
Again in parts of Mexico this is presently a real issue. But do not feel sorry for us here in Hueyapan. The coldest we have experienced is, approx, 13 degrees Celsius but mostly warmer. We, my parents and I anyways, have rather enjoyed the cool weather –It helps us to believe that it is actually nearing Christmas!
We drove northwards towards Cancun for 10 days of ministry in that states of Campeche and Yucatan. We spent two days and three nights in an Old Colony Mennonite community with my Dad’s sister and family. While we were there we made some other connections.
First: 8 years ago, when my parents had last visited, they left a Spanish Bible with their family to be given to anyone who would use it. That Bible was given to a Mayan man in a nearby village. Two weeks ago while we were at my aunt’s house we met this same man working in a corn field. He told us the story of a man coming from Canada and had left a Spanish Bible, but that it was destroyed in the hurricane and floods 2 years ago. He asked for another Bible saying that they read it a lot, and he wished someone would explain to him what it meant. Immediately it was decided and planned, and we went see him and his family that evening.
His name is Antonio. He and his brother, Elias, were known as heavy drinkers. They and their families are quite poor, but after selling some sacks of corn they always drank away some of the profit.
It is a long story in itself, but by evening we had a Mayan Pastor from Tekax (two hours away) as a companion. We sat (my Dad, myself and the Pastor) on little chairs outside the huts where the families of Antonio and Elias lived. These two asked questions, and my Dad and the Pastor worked together to explain the role and accomplishments, the salvation, freedom, life and hope of the Messiah of the Bible: Jesus of space and time history.
Antonio and Elias eagerly accepted this news as truth and prayed prayers of repentance and faith in Jesus…
They have a desire for us to return for evangelistic meetings in their village where there is no Evangelical church. And they desire to learn more.
We desire to go back as soon as January.
This is a story that we can trace back 8 years in some detail, knowing it is an older (indeed, ancient) and a more detailed story than that. But the details of the Mayan Pastor and his unexpected company that day is opportunity for these two men to receive more support than we could offer them. Also, that my aunt’s family has experienced some of this with us will surely influence their family -especially when these two men prove to be changed, new men.
After, talking, we ate Armadillo in a red pepper soup, with home made corn tortillas. First time eating Armadillo, but not the first time we have had to eat soup using only tortillas and fingers as utensils... It was good.
We spent the next 4 days with the Pastor in Tekax, Yucatan and my Dad preached daily in different churches. We were skilfully hosted so that we did not have to be preoccupied with anything at all besides ministering as we came to do. One night we preached in Pentecostal church that was 8 months old. Their building was a dirt floor, palm roofed and the walls were simply thin branches fastened tightly (as tightly as possible) together. This is a very traditional structure for the Mayan people in the province. It is actually quite tidy and comfortable.
Seventeen new people in prayer accepted Jesus Christ as their saviour and Lord.
The Pastor in this church had preached to the congregations everyday in the last 8 months. He was so encouraged that his church had the opportunity to listen to someone else preach. He himself was deeply affected and encouraged by the message.
The following two nights we preached in two different Presbyterian church plants. We were not told where we were going, or what kind of church we had been to (until we asked), but the atmosphere and personality of these churches (Pentecostal and Presbyterian) was so different that we could name the denominational influence. We found it very encouraging and beautiful how these various churches worked together! Both of these Presbyterian congregations met in homes. The first night the hosts, the man, and his two daughters accepted Christ Jesus themselves!
These Pastors, working together have a vision for missions in their area and have invited us to come back to speak to students in a Bible school, as well as speak to a conference of Pastors and missionaries of the Evangelical Christian churches in the area. They have a vision of together organizing outreach and support for Pastors and missionaries in their villages -many of which are without the message of the Gospel. And they have asked us to help with our experience in establishing this as well.
All these things and opportunities are very much in accordance with our own convictions and hearts: the participation of the body of Christ as a whole; the outreach to poor, isolated and un-reached villages; and the support of pastors/missionaries who are heavily burdened and without fellowship, encouragement, and support.
God willing we will return to Yucatan to help with some of these things in January. Please pray with in these decisions and efforts.
After leaving Tekax, we went to Hopelchen, Campeche (2 hour trip) and spent two days with a group of Low-German believers who have recently starting meeting together with the help of some Mennonite churches in Belize, and the EMMC conference. We enjoyed again wonderful hosting, and got to meet dear and beautiful people. I man and wife from Spanish Lookout, Belize have been steadily travelling to Hopelchen (roughly 10hrs of travel) to help this group with teaching and support. We pray all these people and their fellowship will flourish and be fruitful by the river of the water of life flowing out from the throne of God (Rev 22). We have discussed with them a return trip as well for the encouragement of their group and for outreach campaigns (open air evangelism services) in the town park.
We had a truly culturally diverse experience on this trip to Campeche and Yucatan: from the horse drawn buggies and electricity-free Old Colony Mennonites, to ancient Mayan ruins, and Pentacostal churches. We spoke learned a little Mayan, and spoke Low-German, Spanish, and English as appropriate. A rich experience!
Pray with us in this ministry and decisions. We are thinking about going again for a month in mid January. We would, God willing, visit and follow-up on everywhere we had been on the last trip as well as give some talks at the Bible school and speak at a conference. We need guidance and preparation as well as provision for this ministry.
We thank God for those of you that have given for the purchasing of Bibles to give away!
Back in Hueyapan, we have on our hearts a prayer for the nation of Mexico that appears to be so stained with corruption that the influence is seen, very harmfully, in the churches and families. It is very true that to compromise the truth in small matters is to confuse and complicate very important matters! To be unfaithful in the small, is to be unfaithful in the big: that is, the small matters do really prove to be the big ones in the end…
He are seeing change in individuals, but the longer one waits, the deeper one goes, the harder it is. And it can be very hard!
This week we witnessed in a meeting, communication and unity of vision among the church leaders that is revolutionary here.
Two youth leaders have been appointed and I, John, will be seek to support and develop them. We are practising songs for a Christmas programs and we plan to use that practice to also sing on street corners in town on Christmas day. We would sing some songs and carols, read John 1:1-18, then move on to another corner to do the same and ending at the park in the center of town where we would also have a short message explaining the passage that was read. Then we would give away cookies.
If any other group or church decides to do something similar, let us know: it would be encouraging to us and others.
May the peace of Christ be with you!
On behalf of Henry and Anna,
John Wall
This is a verse my Dad wanted to attach:
1 Peter 5:10-11
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.