Dear family and friends,
It is Monday morning, and my parents and I have just finished our devotional together. We are greatly encouraged with vision and energy for the work of this coming week.
Tonight (Monday) the sermon will be directed towards the encouragement and edification of leadership.
Tuesday we will be going a second time to assist another church in bringing the gospel in word and deed to a village called Colonia Hermosa. Passing house to house we will share the news of hope and salvation through Christ. We will be inviting everyone to join us in the evening in the center square to watch a film with an evangelistic message. Last week there were roughly 25 people who responded by praying a prayer of repentance and faith in Christ.
Tuesday, as well, John will be meeting with a group of young men in town who have an interest in growing in the knowledge of God, but have felt powerless to pursue. The vision for this is that we would meet weekly for fellowship and support. Some of them have made decisions for Christ in the past, but some of them never have. They are all searching. There is a real need here that men would be strengthened in courage, responsibility, and wisdom.
Wednesday, every Wednesday, Henry focuses on discipleship in Nacaxtle (the town where we built the church building in January 2006). David is a resident of Nacaxtle with whom we have been working with specifically in discipleship. He has been growing in faith, in passion and has been developing his own ministry in town among his people. This community is changing, and it beautiful to watch and participate in. A few weeks ago we rushed a man to the clinic, bloody from head to toe, beaten and cut up with a machete. There were others too, we found out later, in very bad shape through a fight, feuding, between neighbours. Last week, this man and this family (6 people) were lead in a prayer of submission to God and faith in Christ. Pray that they would be found to be faithful in their submission.
Thursday there are no plans other than what is daily routine: preparing (messages, lessons, ourselves), ministering one on one, maintaining vehicles, squeezing oranges for juice, etc.), church service in the evening, activity with the youth after, resting, and all day simply responding to the people that show up and needs that arise.
Every Friday the evening church service is geared towards youth. The youth make the program, participate in and lead several activities and participatory games during the service.
Friday we will be preparing, as well, to spend 4 weeks on the road. I am writing specifically now to share these plans seeking support in prayer.
Starting in Hopelchen, Campeche, Henry will be preaching Saturday and Sunday in a new church plant.
Next we hope to go to a town called Monte Veo (spelling uncertain) where on our last trip we helped two brothers understand the message of the Christ and the Bible. They became the first two Christians (we think) in that town. We will be spending time with them and reaching out to others.
After Monte Veo, we will be heading a little further North and East to Tekax, Yucatan. There we have someone who has been preparing an agenda for us in visiting small churches and doing outreach campaigns. They have also mentioned the possibility of a conference for Pastors, and missionaries. Six weeks is what they asked for from us. But together with the church here in Hueyapan we have decided to be away for four weeks altogether. We are all three of us nervous because of the challenges of such a trip. We don’t know at this point where we are intended to sleep or rest, but likely there will not be a lot of privacy. The Mexican people are willing and able hosts, but it is not easy to be hosted so well for such along time. It often feels that we cannot serve them as they are serving us, but we long to.
Please be aware of and pray with us for all the things above.
Blessing on your life, of peace and hope in the knowledge of truth,
On behalf of Henry, Anna, and
John Wall
Details/ Needs/ Provisions/ and Administration:
--We are thankful and excited about the gifts that have been given towards purchasing Bibles! We have been able to order 50 Bibles now (that is all that were available) and we expect that to be enough for our month in Campeche and Yucatan, but were not sure. We have more money enough to buy roughly 65 more at 45 pesos/each ($5.00 each in the Canadian dollar). The All For Jesus ministry has been blessed in connecting with willing hearts towards this ministry. And we seek and pray for good administration of this ministry.
--Anna was studying, together with the women in her church in Canada, a book called Lies Women Believe, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. She has a vision for finding the same or similar material in Spanish for the women in our community here.
Both this church here in Hueyapan and the church in Nacaxtle are short on chairs. The youth in Hueyapan have a goal of raising money through making and selling tomales (chanchamitas) door to door in order to buy 15 chairs for the each of these two churches. Anna, will also participate in preparing baked goods for the youth to sell.
--We are hoping to return to Canada in April to see family, connect with our communities there, file income tax for 2006, and be with my sister and her husband as they expect their first child early in May (am I right?). We are praying for direction and confidence in this decision, as it will require a very practical step of faith in God’s provision. We do want to go very much.
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